- The contact listed under “Questions” is the person you should contact only if you have specific questions about the event.
- Questions about registering for an event should be directed to Von McNeil at registration@girlscoutshs.org or at 1-800-727-8104.
- Refer to the Council Calendar for information on when registration opens and closes, plus the minimum and maximum participants allowed for each specific event.
- To register for an event, you must submit a Girl Scouts Heart of the South Event Registration form (available under the “forms” tab on the council website), along with any fees, to the council by the registration deadline.
- You may email your completed event registration form to registration@girlscoutshs.org, fax it to (901) 797-2183 to the attention of Von McNeil, or bring it to your Regional Service Center (see the council website for Regional Service Center locations).
- If there is a fee for the event, payment must be received with a completed even registration form in order to reserve your space.
- Submitting Payments: If there is a fee for a program, you can submit it by check or cash in person, by check in mail, or by credit card over the phone. Payment can be made in person to your Regional Service Center.
- If you choose to pay by check, please indicate your troop number and the name of the event on your check. Mail payment to Girl Scouts Heart of the South, Attention: Von McNeil, P.O. Box 240246, Memphis, TN 38124-0246.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Event Registration Procedures
Take Action Project Available in the Memphis Area
Any troop interested should have an adult who knows a little something about gardening, although the plan is to bring in a professional to consult, providing the girls with a great learning opportunity! And as an added bonus, Drake and Zeke will talk frequently on the radio about the garden and those who are helping!
If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact Raleigh Walker at 800.727.8104, or raleigh.walker@girlscoutshs.org
Girl Scout Valentine Day Party!
Calling all Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors to come on out and join the Mississippi State Kappa Deltas for an afternoon of Community Service, Friendship and Fun. You’ll be making cards to send to the local nursing homes and the Sally Kate Winters home in West Point.
When: February 20, 2010
Where: Kappa Delta House, Mississippi State University,
103 Robert L. Jones Cir, Starkville, MS
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Who: Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors
Cost: $0
Min/Max: 15/25 girls
Registration: Now to 2/10/10
Questions? Marlowe Brownlow, 662-226-0255 / marlowe.brownlow@girlscoutshs.org
Grateful Hearts Campaign
Show your appreciation and share with them your "grateful heart". We have "adoptees" across our council ready for you!
Your grateful heart can be anything that lets them know you appreciate what they do for you and our community. It can be baked cookies, or a homemade card. You and your troop can make a special craft to share or create a thoughtful SWAP.
Who? Adopt community leaders, businesses that support
Girl Scouts, firefighters & police officers, soldiers & military personnel & more!
How? Write Thank You letters or make homemade cards, bake cookies & deliver them to their work, make a special Troop craft and share it, create & bring them a SWAP gift. Anything from your heart to their's.
Questions? Contact Natalie Wilson, 731.668.1122 / natalie.wilson@girlscoutshs.org
Memphis Grizzlies' Girl Scout Night!
the Memphis Grizzlies Dance Team
Dance the day away with the Memphis Grizzlies Dance Team. Members of the dance team will teach the girls some smooth moves and an exciting routine that will be sure to rock the FedEx forum when the girls perform their routine before the game.
Where: FedEx Forum, Memphis, TN
Time: 1 p.m.- 4 p.m.
Cost: Free with the purchase of Grizzlies game ticket for March 20th game
Min/Max: 50/150
Registration: now-3/5/10
Questions? Venus Chaney, 800.727.8104 / Venus.chaney@girlscoutshs.org
Join us in cheering on the Memphis Grizzlies as they face-off against the Golden State Warriors! Girl Scouts will be singing the National Anthem, performing the flag ceremony, participating in the fan tunnel, and be recognized for outstanding community achievements at Center Court. Wear your Girl Scout gear and bring your family and friends to enjoy the game. * A portion of ticket sales go to Girl Scouts Heart of the South.
Who: Girl Scouts, registered adults, family, and friends
Where: FedEx Forum, Memphis, TN
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Terrace Level Seating:
- $15 Girl Scouts, Registered adults and volunteers
- $25 Non-registered adults, parents, family & friend
- $50 Everyone - Lower Level Seating
Min/Max: 0/0
Registration: 1/4/10 - 3/5/10
Questions? Venus Chaney, 800.727.8104 / Venus.chaney@girlscoutshs.org
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Rise in Teen Pregnancies Spurs Debate
Rate jumps for first time in decade, raising alarm among experts.
WASHINGTON - The pregnancy rate among teenage girls in the United States has jumped for the first time in more than a decade, raising alarm that the long campaign to reduce motherhood among adolescents is faltering, according to a report released Tuesday.
The pregnancy rate among 15-to-19-year-olds increased 3 percent between 2005 and 2006 —the first jump since 1990, according to an analysis of the most recent data collected by the federal government and the nation's leading reproductive-health think tank.
Continuing reading more HERE.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Fundraising for Haiti Earthquake Relief Efforts
Given the catastrophic events in Haiti, the Executive Committee unanimously adopted, and the National Board this morning ratified, the following:
THAT the Executive Committee of Girl Scouts of the USA’s National Board of Directors, on the National Board’s behalf, adopts a special rule of order to allow girl members to engage in activities, which may include the direct solicitation of money, from January 14 through September 8, 2010, to support emergency relief for the January 12 earthquake disaster in Haiti. Monies raised shall be contributed only to organizations on the approved list of agencies (listed below); additions to the list shall be approved by the National President and CEO of Girl Scouts of the USA.
This now makes it possible for our girls to raise much needed funds for relief efforts in Haiti. Please take note that the money our girls raise can be contributed only to those agencies on the list below. Much of Haiti is in ruins and a second major earthquake struck the country on Wednesday. The loss of life and suffering has been heartbreaking. I hope that this action by the National Board will serve as yet another opportunity for all of us as a Movement to do what we can to help the people of Haiti in their time of need.
List of Agencies:
· The American Red Cross
The American Red Cross is accepting donations through its International Response Fund.
· Pan American Development Foundation
The foundation is encouraging people to donate through its Web site at www.PanAmericanRelief.org.
UNICEF requests donations for relief for children in Haiti via their Haiti Earthquake Fund. You can also call 1-800-4UNICEF.
· Oxfam
You can donate to online at Oxfam America at www.oxfamamerica.org.
· Save The Children
Save the Children has launched an emergency relief effort for Haiti. Donate to Save the Children.
· Mercy Corps
Donate online, call 1-888-256-1900 or send checks to:
Mercy Corps Haiti Earthquake Fund
Dept NR
PO Box 2669
Portland, OR 97208
· Doctors Without Boarders
Doctors Without Boarders has set up clinics to treat people in Haiti. Donate to Doctors Without Borders.
· The UN World Food Programme
The UN World Food Programme is gathering all available resources to deliver food to the recently homeless and impoverished in Haiti. Donations can be made through www.wfp.org/donate/haiti
CARE is deploying emergency team members to Port-au-Prince to assist in recovery efforts. It’s focusing its efforts on rescuing children who may still be trapped in schools that collapsed. Donate to CARE
· The International Rescue Committee
The International Rescue Committee is deploying an emergency response team to Haiti. Donate to the IRC Haiti Crisis Fund.
· World Vision
World Vision has more 370 staff members in the Haiti. Donate to World Vision.
· United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF)
This fund is used for emergencies like the earthquake in Haiti. Donate online.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
What Can a Cookie Do?
This video was created by GSUSA to spread the word about the Cookie Program in a fun and interactive way. We know that women of all ages, along with young adults, love our cookies. The video speaks not only to our beloved cookie sale but also to the Girl Scout brand.
The main goal of the campaign is to assist in educating the general public about the value of the cookie program, what it represents for girls, and how it contributes to the community.
Share it with family & friends to show them it is more than just cookies tasting good. These cookies do good!
YouTube video link, http://bit.ly/xhts
Friday, January 15, 2010
Service Project Opportunity with The State of Mississippi Veterans Home at
Volunteers can assist with various recreational activities – reading to those whose eyesight is failing them, delivering mail, walking with them inside or outside, pushing their wheelchairs for a short stroll inside or outside, giving them snacks, playing checkers or cards, writing letters for them, playing or singing music for them or just simply conversing with them.
If your troop is interested in volunteering at the home, contact Janie Lunceford, Recreation Director at 662-236-7641, ext. 24.
_______________________________________________________ JANUARY 9 - FEBRUARY 27: PRIVET PULL AT LICHTERMAN NATURE CENTER - NEW! Lichterman Nature Center is in need of troops to volunteer in the Privet Pull. You must be 14 years or older to participate. The Privet Pull is to remove the invasive non-native plant from the property. Strap on your hiking boots, put on your outdoor wear and lend a hand. We’ll have hot chocolate and coffee. So pick a date, bring your mug and garden gloves, and come experience the fun and satisfaction of a Privet Pull. Where: Lichterman Nature Center 5992 Quince Road Memphis, TN 38119-7257 When: Every Saturday Morning January 9th – February 27th Time: 9am – 12pm Please call the nature center with your date of choice and for more details (901) 767-7322. ______________________________________________________ PLAN AHEAD MARCH 20 & 21: DAYTONA 500 EXPERIENCE GIRL SCOUT SLEEPOVER Spend the night at one of NASCAR's premiere attractions, the Daytona 500 Experience! This program will accomplish the mission set forth in Girl Scouting by focusing on the following Outcomes of the New Girl Scout Leadership Experience: Discover: 1,4 & 5 Connect: 2,3 & 4 and Take Action: 2,3 & 5 CLICK HERE for more information. |
Helping Haiti
From: Kathy Cloninger, National CEO, Girl Scouts of the USA
The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) has issued a list of organizations that are accepting donations for relief efforts. I have included the list below. WAGGGS is also reminding all Girl Scouts that the theme of World Thinking Day this year is “ending extreme poverty and hunger.” The tragic events in Haiti can clearly serve as a way to educate our girls about the issues of extreme poverty and hunger throughout the world.
It is at times like these that Girl Scouts throughout the world come together in sisterhood and to take action to help those in need. We have seen our Movement rally in support of the victims of Hurricane Katrina and other natural disasters over the years, and I know that all of us in Girl Scouting will do everything we can to help Haiti and its people in the weeks and months ahead.
Below are list of ways to help:
· The American Red Cross
The American Red Cross is accepting donations through its International Response Fund.
· Pan American Development Foundation
The foundation is encouraging people to donate through its Web site at www.PanAmericanRelief.org.
UNICEF requests donations for relief for children in Haiti via their Haiti Earthquake Fund. You can also call 1-800-4UNICEF.
· Oxfam
You can donate to online at Oxfam America at www.oxfamamerica.org.
· Save The Children
Save the Children has launched an emergency relief effort for Haiti. Donate to Save the Children.
· Mercy Corps
Donate online, call 1-888-256-1900 or send checks to:
Mercy Corps Haiti Earthquake Fund
Dept NR
PO Box 2669
Portland, OR 97208
· Doctors Without Boarders
Doctors Without Boarders has set up clinics to treat people in Haiti. Donate to Doctors Without Borders.
· The UN World Food Programme
The UN World Food Programme is gathering all available resources to deliver food to the recently homeless and impoverished in Haiti. Donations can be made through www.wfp.org/donate/haiti
CARE is deploying emergency team members to Port-au-Prince to assist in recovery efforts. It’s focusing its efforts on rescuing children who may still be trapped in schools that collapsed. Donate to CARE
· The International Rescue Committee
The International Rescue Committee is deploying an emergency response team to Haiti. Donate to the IRC Haiti Crisis Fund.
· World Vision
World Vision has more 370 staff members in the Haiti. Donate to World Vision.
· United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF)
This fund is used for emergencies like the earthquake in Haiti. Donate online.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Journeys resources provide “sample sessions” to give girls and volunteers ideas about sequencing experiences, discussions, and earning awards so that the “whole” feels like one big adventure. The adult books corresponding to the journeys contain many examples and encouragements to engage volunteers in creating the journey experience with girls. The Journey will be much more fun and relevant as girls make it their own!
2. Stretch!
Sample sessions in the Journeys have been created to show how it is possible to have a Girl Scout Leadership Experience in 6-8 gatherings. However, many girls and volunteers will quickly find there is more they will want to do! Those who have more time in Girl Scouts (a whole troop year perhaps!) can make the Journey longer. The Journey books are filled with tips for how to stretch out the experience. As their imaginations take hold, girls will have many more ideas about how to extend the Journey with guidance from volunteers.
3. Link!
Through both Journey series, Girl Scouts at each level will be engaged in exploring some of the same themes. Consider, all the ways that girls networking together can increase the benefits of the Journey. Are Ambassadors in the region interested in advocating together? Imagine every Girl Scout Senior in the region creating and exhibiting a unique vision for GIRLtopia. As Cadettes navigate the maze of relationship issues, what could they teach Juniors? What if Brownies link up on some of the steps of their quest? As Daisies in one area of the council engage in “growing something” how could they benefit from a family field trip to meet Daisies doing something similar in another area? These are just a few ideas of how expanding the connections Girl Scouts can make will contribute to powerful Journey experiences around the country.
4. Explore Stories!
Stories inspire girls (and adults!) to put values into action. The Journey series engage girls in stories—real and fictional—of girls and women taking action in the world. Make use of these stories and expand upon them whenever you can—in any way that you and girls will enjoy. Stories, after all, capture the imagination and motivate. Ultimately, girls will create their own stories on the Journey, meeting new people and taking action in the world. What other stories are going on in the region, and how can girls connect to them? What can girls find in stories—in art or life—that add to the feelings and ideas along this adventure?
5. Leadership and You!
As a volunteer in Girl Scouts, your experiences—and your view of leadership—will be a driving force for the girls. Use the reflection exercises you will find in your Journey guide to think about the Three Keys to Leadership (Discover, Connect and Take Action) and how you can best apply them as you team up with Girl Scouts on their Leadership Journey.
The best protectors from bullies? Girls
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Playground bullies may meet their match from where they least expect — in the ranks of kids who are anti-bullies — and most of them are girls, a new University of Florida study finds.
“Boys may be more likely to bully, but girls are more likely to defend those being bullied,” said Jim Porter, who did the research for his doctoral dissertation in counselor education at UF. “While a lot of attention has been devoted to bully prevention programs, very little recognition is given to kids who jump in and try to stop the bullying or comfort the victim.” Read More HERE.