Friday, February 26, 2010
Lemon Chalet Creme Voluntary Recall
The Girl Scout cookie supplier in our area, Little Brownie Bakers, has advised that some batches of Lemon Chalet Crème cookies may have an off taste and smell but are safe to eat.
Some of those cookies have been distributed in the Memphis council region.
Only one of the lot number codes were assigned to the Memphis area. If you have Lemon Chalet Cremes with this lot number of 7459402, then we will replace them at the Memphis Service Center.
Please remember that there is a large possibility that these cookies were not effected and are still "good" cookies. LBB wanted to make sure that their quality is maintained, so they are including the entire production week's worth of lot numbers in the voluntary recall.
Please assure your customers that the cookies are safe for consumers to eat, however they are not up to LBB's quality standards.
“These lots contain oils that may be breaking down, which can result in the off taste and smell,” says Don Davis, vice president and general manager of Little Brownie Bakers.
He reports that no other Girl Scout cookie varieties are involved. Cookies affected were distributed only from the Memphis warehouse. The Girl Scout service centers in Columbus, Corinth, Grenada, Tupelo or Jackson are not believed to have received any of the affected cookies.
Troop leaders, cookie volunteers and consumers may return cookies with the above-listed lot number code to the Memphis Cupboard at the Memphis Regional Service Center at 2715 Kirby Parkway, Suite 1, Memphis, TN 38119.
Little Brownie Bakers and Girl Scouts Heart of the South stress that the quality of their products is a top priority. Both organizations sincerely apologize to cookie customers who are affected by this situation.
Scouts can save up to $12 per tickets to see the Harlem Globetrotter's 2010 World Tour at Tupelo's Bancorp South Arena on Tuesday, March 9 @ 7 p.m.
CLICK HERE for order form.
Please join us at the Memphis Zoo on Tuesday, March 9th from 9:00 – 3:00 for a free professional development workshop with Dr. Mary Starr, leading author, on the concept of Project-Based Inquiry Science. This professional development workshop is guaranteed to provide educators with techniques on how to promote student learning. It is designed to facilitate hands-on experience and share strategies on how to teach students to investigate, gather evidence, and form explanations to real world problems. Dr. Starr is a Research Specialist in Science Education at the
The workshop is sponsored by “It’s About Time” a division of Herff Jones Education (publishers for the National Science Foundation (NSF) which specializes in Inquiry-based approach pedagogy). Come prepared for a great exchange and camaraderie. To reserve your space, call the Memphis Zoo Education Department information line at 901-333-6600 by 3:00pm, Thursday, March 4, 2010.
A professional development certificate for 5.0 hours will be provided to each participant at the end of the workshop.
Do you know any teenagers between the ages of 15 and 18 who would be interested in participating in summer activities with St. Jude patients?
The Volunteer program is a two-session summer program that invites 15 teenagers to each session to participate in a summer experience of learning, personal growth and creative fun. The program is highly demanding, as teens work closely with patients, siblings and parents. It also allows them to explore possible career paths and develop leadership, interpersonal team building and self awareness. If you know any teens who may be interested in this program, direct them to the Volunteer Program Website, where they can complete the online application.
The application deadline is March 12.
For more information e-mail
Mississippi University for Women's Department of Sciences and Mathematics Science Enrichment Program presents Women in Engineering. Learn about the various fields and careers in engineering and participate in Mission Eggcellence, where you will learn Physics concepts that are related to car crashes, vehicular design and safety problems facing today's car manufacturers. This includes building and testing models to protect a raw egg.
Open registration for female students grades 8-12th. Spots are limited. This workshop is FREE!
For more information or to register, visit our website.
Spend the night at one of NASCAR's premiere attractions, the Daytona 500 Experience!
This program will accomplish the mission set forth in Girl Scouting by focusing on the following Outcomes of the New Girl Scout Leadership Experience: Discover: 1,4 & 5 Connect: 2,3 & 4 and Take Action: 2,3 & 5
CLICK HERE for more information.
The Alliance for a Healthier Generation: July 2010
The Alliance for a Healthier Generation, a partnership between the American Heart Association and the William J. Clinton Foundation, is searching for a select group of young people to serve on our Youth Advisory Board (for 2010-2011) and roll up their sleeves for a few hours a month of critical thinking, engaging conversations, good fun, new friendships, and high-profile leadership.
Applicants must be between the ages of 8 and 17 years old when membership begins July 2010 and live in the United States. Interested youth can visit for more information.
Sky’s the Limit
Sky’s the Limit is a program designed to engage girls in developing skills and interest in non-traditional careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). This year the focus is on aviation. Girls will experience hands-on aerospace activities, experiments, interactive discussions and demonstrations guided by female pilots, airplane mechanics, airplane engineers, airline executives and other women involved in various aspects of aviation. These activities will expose them to aviation and other STEM related careers while building teamwork, problem solving and critical thinking skills. Outcomes of the New Girl Scout Leadership Experience: Discover: 1, 3, & 5 Connect: 2 & 4 Take Action: 2 & 5
Who: Girls in grades 6-8
Where: Tennessee Technology Center: Aviation Complex
3435 Tchulahoma Road, Memphis, TN 38118
Time: 8:00 a.m. –4:00 p.m.
Cost: $5.00 per girl
Min/Max: 100/200
Registration Opens: January 19
Registration Closes: March 19
Questions? Venus Chaney, 800.727.8104
Plant your Pathway through Girl Scouts
Three community gardens to choose from and Space at the Tupelo Girl Scout Office for container planting
Children’s Market will start in May and be every Thursday evening 5:00-8:00
Children’s Market workshops are free! If you plan to sell produce or flowers then a booth is $7.
For more information contact Callie Everett, Pathways Specialist: or 800.624.4185
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Students Expelled Following Teen's Suicide
WCVB TV 5 Boston
SOUTH HADLEY, Mass. -- Hundreds of parents met in South Hadley on Tuesday night as an anti-bullying task force mobilized weeks after a case of bullying so extreme it drove a 15-year-old girl to end her life.Phoebe Prince, a freshman at South Hadley High School, died Jan. 14., and two students accused of bullying the 15-year-old have been expelled. A police investigation could also lead to criminal charges.
"These students' lives have also been dramatically altered, and they won't be graduating from South Hadley High School," Smith said of the students who were expelled.
Prince is thought to have committed suicide after allegedly enduring abuse online and in school from female classmates who were upset that Prince, 15, a sophomore who had recently moved to the U.S. from Ireland, was dating a senior football player.
Read more HERE.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Parents! Did you know?
The #1 reason people purchase Girl Scout Cookies is to support Girl Scouting and your daughter!
The Girl Scout Cookie program is designed to teach girls entrepreneurial skills; goal setting, budgeting, marketing and money management. Girl Scouts earn money for their troop activities and develop valuable LIFE SKILLS such as:
- Responsibility…through gathering orders and turning in information on time.
- Communication skills…through talking to customers about the cookies and how the funds will be used.
- Financial and math skills…through adding orders, making change and tracking money.
- Entrepreneurial skills…through creating new ways to promote, sell and distribute cookies.
- Self-reliance/self-confidence…by overcoming shyness, learning to talk to others, setting and achieving group and personal goals, and discovering new strengths.
- Teamwork…by working with others for the benefit of all.
- Goal-setting and planning…through having a framework for meeting goals.
- Honesty and integrity…through using a meaningful set of values, The Girl Scout Promise and Law, to guide their actions.
"Cookie revenue" helps local councils:
- Recruit and train volunteer leaders for each troop/group.
- Provide the financial assistance needed to make Girl Scouting available for all girls.
- Provide travel financial assistance for girls to be a part of destination trips.
- Improve and maintain camp and other activity sites.
- Keep event/camp fees for all members to a minimum.
- Sponsor special events and projects.
- Did you know? Customers will buy more boxes if they understand the benefits of Girl Scouting and what their purchases will support.
Help strengthen your daughter and our local communities by advocating for Girl Scouts through the Girl Scout Cookie Program. After all, you get to see the results everyday in your own Girl Scout!
Visit our website to learn more about Girl Scouts –
We continually look for volunteers to help with events, training, and special series.
Can you volunteer some time for girls? Give us a call – 800-727-8104
Thank you for your support!
The Daisy Journey, Between Earth and Sky
There are 10 great sessions designed to develop the girl’s love for the natural world. They will start with Getting Ready for the Road, then off to Living the Law, In the Land of Milk and Cheese and ending with On the Road to New Adventures. Through out the sessions girls will complete activities that allow them to earn three leadership awards.
The Blue Bucket Award encourages girls to develop good relationship skills by learning to express their feeling, negotiating and compromising to resolve conflicts and for being considerate and caring to others.
The Firefly had a unique ability to give light that add glitter to summer nights. Girls are asked to recognize and develop their own unique skill and teach others in order to earn the Firefly Award.
The last award is named for the flower friend Clover, who helps preserve the natural habitat of Alaska. To earn this award girls will team up to protect a local natural treasure through caring and sharing. Project suggestions include a Minding your Weed and Seed Campaign with the local library.
This journey is filled with fun and friendship and is designed to develop the skills and values young girls need to become leaders. The activities are designed to enable Daisies to strive toward achieving 13 of the 15 national outcomes of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience.
As on any journey, Daisies can venture off the main route to see in real life all that is Between Earth and Sky! They can plan a day trip to their local park or Memphis Zoo. The Natchez Trace Parkway also has programs available. Planning your own road trip to participate in a council wide event such as Daisy Daze or plan a mom and me weekend at one of our resident camps is also a great way to enhance this journey. Experiencing nature first hand gives the Daisies opportunities to deepen their love and respect for Everything between Earth and Sky.
Service Project Opportunity with The State of Mississippi Veterans Home at 120 Veterans Drive in Oxford, MS is looking for troops or groups who are willing to volunteer at the home.
Volunteers can assist with various recreational activities – reading to those whose eyesight is failing them, delivering mail, walking with them inside or outside, pushing their wheelchairs for a short stroll inside or outside, giving them snacks, playing checkers or cards, writing letters for them, playing or singing music for them or just simply conversing with them.
If your troop is interested in volunteering at the home, contact Janie Lunceford, Recreation Director at 662-236-7641, ext. 24.
ADVENTURE BASE 100: FEB. 20 & 21The Yocona Area Boy Scout Council has invited Girl Scouts to see the Adventure Base 100 in Tupelo on February 20th and 21st.
Experience Scouting like never before with Adventure Base 100! Created specifically for the 100th Anniversary Celebration, Adventure Base 100 is traveling the country to give people an exciting, hands-on view of the history and future of the Boy Scouts of America.
This 10,000 square foot campus features immersive Scouting experiences including a ropes course and zip line, interactive digital exhibits, a multi-sensory IMAX-like dome, and more! It will also house a traveling museum that will showcase real artifacts from the National Scouting Museum in Irving, Tex.
Adventure Base 100
The Mall at Barnes Crossing
9 a.m. – 6 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 20th
12 p.m. – 6 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 21st
Learn more about Adventure Base 100 at
Dance Your Health Out! Bring your friends and family to dance, learn simple ways to stay healthy, enjoy music and participate in health screenings.
8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Orchard United Methodist Church , 1739 North Coley Rd. Tupelo, MS
Questions? Call 662.377.4099
CLICK HERE for more information.
MARCH 9: HARLEM GLOBETROTTERSScouts can save up to $12 per tickets to see the Harlem Globetrotter's 2010 World Tour at Tupelo's Bancorp South Arena on Tuesday, March 9 @ 7 p.m.
CLICK HERE for order form.
Please join us at the Memphis Zoo on Tuesday, March 9th from 9:00 – 3:00 for a free professional development workshop with Dr. Mary Starr, leading author, on the concept of Project-Based Inquiry Science. This professional development workshop is guaranteed to provide educators with techniques on how to promote student learning. It is designed to facilitate hands-on experience and share strategies on how to teach students to investigate, gather evidence, and form explanations to real world problems. Dr. Starr is a Research Specialist in Science Education at the
The workshop is sponsored by “It’s About Time” a division of Herff Jones Education (publishers for the National Science Foundation (NSF) which specializes in Inquiry-based approach pedagogy). Come prepared for a great exchange and commardre. To reserve your space, call the Memphis Zoo Education Department information line at 901-333-6600 by 3:00pm, Thursday, March 4, 2010.
A professional development certificate for 5.0 hours will be provided to each participant at the end of the workshop.
Do you know any teenagers between the ages of 15 and 18 who would be interested in participating in summer activities with St. Jude patients?
The Volunteer program is a two-session summer program that invites 15 teenagers to each session to participate in a summer experience of learning, personal growth and creative fun. The program is highly demanding, as teens work closely with patients, siblings and parents. It also allows them to explore possible career paths and develop leadership, interpersonal team building and self awareness. If you know any teens who may be interested in this program, direct them to the Volunteer Program Website, where they can complete the online application.
The application deadline is March 12.
For more information e-mail
Spend the night at one of NASCAR's premiere attractions, the Daytona 500 Experience!
This program will accomplish the mission set forth in Girl Scouting by focusing on the following Outcomes of the New Girl Scout Leadership Experience: Discover: 1,4 & 5 Connect: 2,3 & 4 and Take Action: 2,3 & 5
CLICK HERE for more information.
The Alliance for a Healthier Generation: July 2010
The Alliance for a Healthier Generation, a partnership between the American Heart Association and the William J. Clinton Foundation, is searching for a select group of young people to serve on our Youth Advisory Board (for 2010-2011) and roll up their sleeves for a few hours a month of critical thinking, engaging conversations, good fun, new friendships, and high-profile leadership.
Applicants must be between the ages of 8 and 17 years old when membership begins July 2010 and live in the United States. Interested youth can visit for more information.
Mickey M Cabe Golfing for Girls - Girl Scout LPGA/ USGA Girls Golf Program
Girl Scouts Heart of the South is accepting 30 girls, ages 7-17, for the 2010 Mickey McCabe Golfing for Girls Girl Scout LPGA/ USGA Girls Golf Program Spring Session. Each girl participant must commit to the 10 week program that will be taught by PGA Professionals, David Crafton and Kyle Fulbright.
Girls Golf Program builds courage, confidence & character in girls through the fundamentals of golf.
Jackson Country Club,
31 Jackson Country Club Ln.,
Jackson, Tennessee 38305
Contact: Natalie Wilson, / 731.668.1122
Spring Session Schedule:
Saturday, April 3, 12 p.m. - Fiesta Kickoff Lunch & First Session
Saturday, April 17, 1 p.m. - Session Two
Wednesday, May 5, 4 p.m. - Session Three
Wednesday, May 12, 4 p.m. - Session Four
Saturday, May 15, 1 p.m. - Session Five
Wednesday, May 19, 4 p.m. - Session Six
Saturday, May 22, 1 p.m. - Session Seven
Wednesday, May 26, 4 p.m. - Session Eight
Wednesday, June 9, 4 p.m. - Session Nine
Saturday, June 12, 12 p.m. - Awards Lunch & Final Session
Golf Clubs and Bag (unless girls have clubs), Golf Shirt, All green and PGA instructional fees, food/program activities and membership into the Ladies Professional Golf Association.
$40 for Registered Girl Scout WITH golf clubs
$52 for Non Girl Scout WITH golf clubs
$55 for Registered Girl Scout WITHOUT golf clubs
$67 for Non Girl Scout WITHOUT golf clubs
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Smart Girls at the Party
Last fall, Poehler joined up with Meredith Walker, a former senior producer for Nickelodeon's Nick News, and musician Amy Miles, host of the PBS show Lomax: The Hound of Music. Their plan: Make an Internet-only TV series that could be viewed for free by anyone at any time. The title: Smart Girls at the Party. The subject: girls!
In each of the first season's eight episodes, Poehler interviewed girls about their passions. She sat behind a round desk in a dark room (the set looks just like that of PBS's Charlie Rose) and introduced the show as a celebration of "extraordinary individuals who are changing the world by being themselves."
Read more HERE.
Watch episodes HERE.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Volunteer Appreciation Month
Do you know an adult in Girl Scouting who is deserving of some extra special recognition? Maybe a parent who has gone above and beyond to help you this year? A co-leader you really appreciate having by your side? A service unit manager who has done an amazing job coordinating Girl Scouting in your community? Now is the time to formally thank them for their service!
April is Volunteer Appreciation Month and it will be here before you know it, so get your Adult Recognition nominations and applications in now! All submissions need to be received by March 1st in order to be considered. Don’t forget yourself, either! Years of Service pins and Leadership Development pins are also presented in April.
Visit the council website for description of each award, nomination guidelines and information on the application process (
Questions? Contact Raleigh Walker at
Short term volunteer opportunity: The council is looking for experienced (2+ years of Girl Scout service) volunteers to serve on the Adult Recognitions Committee. This group will be charged with reviewing award nominations and making approval decisions. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Raleigh Walker at Total time commitment: approximately 4-6 hours.
FEBRUARY 12th Edition
Service Project Opportunity with The State of Mississippi Veterans Home at
Volunteers can assist with various recreational activities – reading to those whose eyesight is failing them, delivering mail, walking with them inside or outside, pushing their wheelchairs for a short stroll inside or outside, giving them snacks, playing checkers or cards, writing letters for them, playing or singing music for them or just simply conversing with them.
If your troop is interested in volunteering at the home, contact Janie Lunceford, Recreation Director at 662-236-7641, ext. 24.
ADVENTURE BASE 100: FEB. 20 & 21
The Yocona Area Boy Scout Council has invited Girl Scouts to see the Adventure Base 100 in
Experience Scouting like never before with Adventure Base 100! Created specifically for the 100th Anniversary Celebration, Adventure Base 100 is traveling the country to give people an exciting, hands-on view of the history and future of the Boy Scouts of America.
This 10,000 square foot campus features immersive Scouting experiences including a ropes course and zip line, interactive digital exhibits, a multi-sensory IMAX-like dome, and more! It will also house a traveling museum that will showcase real artifacts from the National Scouting Museum in Irving, Tex.
Adventure Base 100 will be at The Mall at Barnes Crossing from 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 20th and from 12 p.m. – 6 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 21st
Learn more about Adventure Base 100 at www.AdventureBase100.org_____________________________________
Dance Your Health Out! Bring your friends and family to dance, learn simple ways to stay healthy, enjoy music and participate in health screenings.
8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Orchard United Methodist Chirch , 1739 North Coley Rd. Tupelo, MS
Questions? Call 662.377.4099
CLICK HERE for more information.
Scouts can save up to $12 per tickets to see the Harlem Globetrotter's 2010 World Tour at Tupelo's Bancorp South Arena on Tuesday, March 9 @ 7 p.m.
CLICK HERE for order form.
Please join us at the Memphis Zoo on Tuesday, March 9th from 9:00 – 3:00 for a free professional development workshop with Dr. Mary Starr, leading author, on the concept of Project-Based Inquiry Science. This professional development workshop is guaranteed to provide educators with techniques on how to promote student learning. It is designed to facilitate hands-on experience and share strategies on how to teach students to investigate, gather evidence, and form explanations to real world problems. Dr. Starr is a Research Specialist in Science Education at the
The workshop is sponsored by “It’s About Time” a division of Herff Jones Education (publishers for the National Science Foundation (NSF) which specializes in Inquiry-based approach pedagogy). Come prepared for a great exchange and commardre. To reserve your space, call the Memphis Zoo Education Department information line at 901-333-6600 by 3:00pm, Thursday, March 4, 2010.
A professional development certificate for 5.0 hours will be provided to each participant at the end of the workshop.
Spend the night at one of NASCAR's premiere attractions, the Daytona 500 Experience!
This program will accomplish the mission set forth in Girl Scouting by focusing on the following Outcomes of the New Girl Scout Leadership Experience: Discover: 1,4 & 5 Connect: 2,3 & 4 and Take Action: 2,3 & 5
CLICK HERE for more information.
The Alliance for a Healthier Generation: July 2010
The Alliance for a Healthier Generation, a partnership between the American Heart Association and the William J. Clinton Foundation, is searching for a select group of young people to serve on our Youth Advisory Board (for 2010-2011) and roll up their sleeves for a few hours a month of critical thinking, engaging conversations, good fun, new friendships, and high-profile leadership.
Applicants must be between the ages of 8 and 17 years old when membership begins July 2010 and live in the United States. Interested youth can visit for more information.
Parents! Did you know?
The #1 reason people purchase Girl Scout Cookies is to support Girl Scouting and your daughter!
The Girl Scout Cookie program is designed to teach girls entrepreneurial skills; goal setting, budgeting, marketing and money management. Girl Scouts earn money for their troop activities and develop valuable LIFE SKILLS such as:
- Responsibility…through gathering orders and turning in information on time.
- Communication skills…through talking to customers about the cookies and how the funds will be used.
- Financial and math skills…through adding orders, making change and tracking money.
- Entrepreneurial skills…through creating new ways to promote, sell and distribute cookies.
- Self-reliance/self-confidence…by overcoming shyness, learning to talk to others, setting and achieving group and personal goals, and discovering new strengths.
- Teamwork…by working with others for the benefit of all.
- Goal-setting and planning…through having a framework for meeting goals.
- Honesty and integrity…through using a meaningful set of values, The Girl Scout Promise and Law, to guide their actions.
Girl Scouts Heart of the South appreciates you and everything parents do to help girls succeed in the Girl Scout Cookie program. All of the proceeds—every penny—from the council's cookie activities remains in the area where the cookies are sold.
"Cookie revenue" helps local councils:
- Recruit and train volunteer leaders for each troop/group.
- Provide the financial assistance needed to make Girl Scouting available for all girls.
- Provide travel financial assistance for girls to be a part of destination trips.
- Improve and maintain camp and other activity sites.
- Keep event/camp fees for all members to a minimum.
- Sponsor special events and projects.
- Did you know? Customers will buy more boxes if they understand the benefits of Girl Scouting and what their purchases will support.
Help strengthen your daughter and our local communities by advocating for Girl Scouts through the Girl Scout Cookie Program. After all, you get to see the results everyday in your own Girl Scout!
Visit our website to learn more about Girl Scouts –
We continually look for volunteers to help with events, training, and special series.
Can you volunteer some time for girls? Give us a call – 800-727-8104
Thank you for your support!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
The Yocona Area Boy Scout Council has invited Girl Scouts to see the Adventure Base 100 in
Experience Scouting like never before with Adventure Base 100! Created specifically for the 100th Anniversary Celebration, Adventure Base 100 is traveling the country to give people an exciting, hands-on view of the history and future of the Boy Scouts of America.
This 10,000 square foot campus features immersive Scouting experiences including a ropes course and zip line, interactive digital exhibits, a multi-sensory IMAX-like dome, and more! It will also house a traveling museum that will showcase real artifacts from the National Scouting Museum in Irving, Tex.
Adventure Base 100 will be at The Mall at Barnes Crossing from 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 20th and from 12 p.m. – 6 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 21st
Learn more about Adventure Base 100 at
Deadline for both scholarships is Monday, March 15.
Girl Scouts Heart of the South Gold Award Scholarship
The purpose of the Girl Scouts Heart of the South Scholarship is to provide financial assistance through college scholarships to help facilitate the continuation of academic growth for Girl Scout Gold Award recipients. The scholarship is awarded based on achievement in Girl Scouting, academics, leadership, and extracurricular activities. A one-time payment of $1000 will be made directly to the recipient’s college of choice by the start of their first semester.
Girl Scouts Heart of the South West Tennessee Scholarships
The purpose of the Girl Scouts Heart of the South West Tennessee Scholarship is to provide financial assistance through college scholarships to help facilitate the continuation of academic growth for West Tennessee Girl Scouts who are graduating High School Seniors that have been accepted into a college or university. The scholarship is awarded based on achievement in Girl Scouting, academics, leadership, and extracurricular activities. Equal payments will be dispersed directly to the recipient’s college of choice at the beginning of each semester of their enrollment at a college or university. The following five scholarships are available:
- E. Jane Hazlewood Leadership Scholarship- $2000.00 ($250.00 per semester for up to 8 semesters)
- Donna M. McHaffey Leadership Scholarship - $2000.00 ($250.00 per semester for up to 8 semesters)
- William R. Taylor Leadership Scholarship - $2000.00 ($250.00 per semester for up to 8 semesters)
- Susan C. Anderson Leadership Scholarship - $2000.00 ($250.00 per semester for up to 8 semesters)
- Community Advisory Board Leadership Scholarship - $2000.00 ($250.00 per semester for up to 8 semesters)
For downloadable versions of these applications and a list of colleges and universities that offer scholarships to Gold Award recipients go to, click on the Forms tab, and go to Girl Award Forms. In addition, Union University, Dyersburg State, and Lane College offer scholarship opportunities for Gold Award recipients, but are not in that list.
For special national scholarships for Girl Scouts visit the STUDIO 2B website at
Campfire Parties in My Big Backyard
Non- Profit Group Information
Non-profit groups now have the opportunity for private Campfire Parties in My Big Backyard at the Memphis Botanic Garden! Up to 150 people can be accommodated in the patio, enjoying one of our fire pits and night activities for kids.
Bring Your Own…
Groups will provide their own snacks, such as hot dogs and marshmallows, for roasting . Your group also provides plates, cups, and drinks. Garden staff will lead the activities and tend the fires and must be present for any group campfire. We will also provide chairs, two tables, fire pits, fire wood, and roasting sticks.
Autumn, Winter, or Spring…
Because of seasonal constraints, Campfire Parties cannot be scheduled in June, July, August, or September. During autumn, winter, or spring, Campfire Parties can be scheduled between the hours of 6-8 pm. One-half hour before and after the two hour party is for set-up and clean-up.
Oh, no! Rain is Coming…
In the event of inclement weather, we will be happy to reschedule your program.
To schedule a Non-Profit Group Campfire Party in My Big Backyard, call Memphis Botanic Garden at (901) 636-4126 during business hours. We have a minimum registration of 25 people.
You may schedule the program for fewer than 25, but you will be expected to pay for 25.
The Group Campfire Party fee is $6/person. Kids 2 and under are free.
All parties require a $75 non-refundable deposit to schedule.
CLICK HERE for more information and registration form.
Memphis Botanic Garden
My Big Backyard Children's Garden
Friday, February 5, 2010
Service Project Opportunity with The State of Mississippi Veterans Home at
Volunteers can assist with various recreational activities – reading to those whose eyesight is failing them, delivering mail, walking with them inside or outside, pushing their wheelchairs for a short stroll inside or outside, giving them snacks, playing checkers or cards, writing letters for them, playing or singing music for them or just simply conversing with them.
If your troop is interested in volunteering at the home, contact Janie Lunceford, Recreation Director at 662-236-7641, ext. 24.
Scouts can save up to $12 per tickets to see the Harlem Globetrotter's 2010 World Tour at Tupelo's Bancorp South Arena on Tuesday, March 9 @ 7 p.m.
CLICK HERE for order form.
Please join us at the Memphis Zoo on Tuesday, March 9th from 9:00 – 3:00 for a free professional development workshop with Dr. Mary Starr, leading author, on the concept of Project-Based Inquiry Science. This professional development workshop is guaranteed to provide educators with techniques on how to promote student learning. It is designed to facilitate hands-on experience and share strategies on how to teach students to investigate, gather evidence, and form explanations to real world problems. Dr. Starr is a Research Specialist in Science Education at the
The workshop is sponsored by “It’s About Time” a division of Herff Jones Education (publishers for the National Science Foundation (NSF) which specializes in Inquiry-based approach pedagogy). Come prepared for a great exchange and commardre. To reserve your space, call the Memphis Zoo Education Department information line at 901-333-6600 by 3:00pm, Thursday, March 4, 2010.
A professional development certificate for 5.0 hours will be provided to each participant at the end of the workshop.
Spend the night at one of NASCAR's premiere attractions, the Daytona 500 Experience!
This program will accomplish the mission set forth in Girl Scouting by focusing on the following Outcomes of the New Girl Scout Leadership Experience: Discover: 1,4 & 5 Connect: 2,3 & 4 and Take Action: 2,3 & 5
CLICK HERE for more information.
Girl Scout Day at the Nature Station
Attention Girl Scout Leaders!
The Nature Station in Land Between The Lakes is happy to announce the return of Girl Scout Day at the Nature Station, which will be held on Saturday, March 27, 2010 from 10am to 3pm. All activities will be ongoing throughout the day, so you can arrive any time between 10am and 3pm. We hope to see you and your girl scouts there! The Nature Station is located in Land Between The Lakes National Recreation Area in Cadiz, KY.
Girl Scout Day is a day of programs and activities devoted to Girl Scouting! Girl Scouts of all ages will be able to work toward their various badges and accomplishments. Brownies will work toward their Eco-Explorer and Animal Try-Its, Juniors on their Wildlife and Earth Connections Badges, and Seniors/Cadettes/S2B on their All About Birds and and Wildlife IPs.
Activities will include live animal programs, a scavenger hunt, using binoculars to identify birds, and more. Scouts will learn about topics such as food chains, backyard birds, animal adaptations, and more. Plus, they will enjoy viewing all of the live animals on exhibit at the Nature Station, such as a bobcat, endangered red wolves, owls, and snakes. A complete schedule of the day will be available in early March.
You do not need to pre-register. Admission is $4.00 for adults and $2.00 for kids.
Contact Aviva Yasgur, School & Group Programs Coordinator, Woodlands Nature Station,
Land Between The Lakes National Recreation Area at 270-924-2299 if you would like more information about this event, or if you have any questions about the program.
It’s Your Journey-Customize It!
Research tells us that girls and their parents think it’s important for girls to have a national experience – something they have in common with all other Girl Scouts. That’s what Journeys offer. However, each girl’s Journey can be customized to fit her own interests and to take advantage of local resources. An online resource has been developed to give you a few ideas to get you started – online Journey maps for each grade level.
You will find that this page has links that lead to interactive Journey maps for each grade level that show you how to tie Girl Scout activities into journeys, descriptions of what’s inside each journey, and the awards girls can earn. The journey maps also include information about the adult guide for each grade level, Bronze, Silver and Gold award.
Once you’ve explored the journey maps, start thinking about ways you could tie activities into journeys. Share the maps with girls and get their ideas, too. Have fun! After all, it’s your journey – customize it!